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Ayurvedic Cleanse

Image by Zoltan Tasi

Restore & Rejuvenate 

Our unique approach to cleansing is tailored to your individual needs and includes 2.5 hours of live support!  Keeping the body balanced and healthy gives you an opportunity to embrace all parts of your life more fully.  Cleansing the body of toxins leads to a clearer mind and balanced emotions. 

Benefits of Cleansing:

  • Strengthen your immune system

  • Improve your digestive health

  • Release toxins from the body and mind

  • Boost your energy

  • Improve circulation

  • Liberate yourself from food cravings

  • Enhance mental and emotional health

spices on spoon

Choose to give yourself the gift of overall health and wellbeing!

​This home cleansing program provides you a clear path to cleanse at home safely and effectively through diet and other Ayurvedic based practices.  You will meet with Ayurvedic Consultant Heather and work together to determine a course of cleansing that is optimal and appropriate for your wants and needs.  What this means is that this cleanse is appropriate for those new to home cleansing and those who have cleansed before.  The protocol used and amount of time spent eating a specific Ayurvedic diet is determined by your needs.  It will include pre-cleanse, kitchari cleanse, and post cleanse protocol.  Kitchari may be replaced with alternative meal if appropriate for you needs.

Natural Medicine

This Program Includes:

  • 2.5 hours of live consulting with Heather

  • Informational videos for your education, contemplation and understanding

  • Home-based detoxifying protocol to address and release physical, mental and emotional toxins

  • A loving and compassionate approach to a cleanse designed just for you

The Cleansing protocol will be specific to your needs and may include any of the following*:


  • 3 to 7-day Kitchari** Cleanse instructions

  • Fasting protocol if desired

  • Guided Meditation Yoga Nidra specific to health and wellness

  • Breath techniques to detoxify

  • Massage

  • Herbal teas

  • Walking as light exercise to help digest food

Chicken Biryani

Investment in Yourself: $275

Questions? Click the chat button.

Price does not include food and supplies.

Why My Home Cleanse?

Heather Indu Arena, ALC, E-RYT 500, C-IAYT                             

I have had the pleasure of supporting my clients' cleanse effectively and safely in both group and individual programs. I created this cleanse using my expertise as an Ayurvedic Lifestyle Consultant and Yoga Therapist based on in-person cleanses I had been facilitating long before COVID. This cleanse is my way to support my clients' continued home cleansing process safely so they can maintain healthy bodies, clear and creative minds, and emotional balance. I hope to support you in your intention to live a flourishing and rich life!


"I would highly recommend this Cleanse. I felt amazing." ~Scott


"I feel more confident about my eating choices and feel motivated to continue to utilize what I learned to stay healthy!" ~ Deanna


"I am so happy I did this cleanse. It has shifted something in me and I felt such awe and gratitude for my meal.  I realized that the soul hunger can never be appeased no matter how much or how little we eat. That hunger can only be satisfied in union with the Light."  ~Marta

* Benefits vary with each individual.

** You may request a Kitchari replacement menu.

Note: Food and supplies must be purchased separately.


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