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Yoga at Home

Healing Elements

The Triple A's

The Triple A’s are a revolutionary way of consciously working through stress, including conflicting thoughts and emotions, in order to view yourself, the world and others from a perspective of peace and love rather than conflict and fear.  Click Here for details.



The conscious use of the breath facilitates a shift in physical, mental, and emotional balance.  Change the breath change the body/mind.  Breath therapy helps the practitioner release improper breathing patters which lead to dis-ease.  


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Yoga Therapy

Yoga therapy is the process of empowering 
individuals to progress toward improved 
health and well-being through the application 
of the teachings and practices of yoga. 


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Child Yoga


Yoga is the science of Liberation.  Liberation from limitations. This ancient science of peace teaches one to see Unity in all things, and has an added benefit of balancing the body/mind system. 



Meditation & Yoga Nidra

Meditation is an opportunity to be in a peaceful, calm, and harmonious state of awareness.  In meditation the brain shifts in such a way to activate balancing biochemical shifts.  Short term practice brings an immediate sense of peace.  Long term practice has huge benefits on all levels. 


Buddha Statue


Ayurveda is the art of living daily in harmony with the laws of nature.  Ayurveda translates as the knowledge of life.  It is a natural and ancient time-tested science which uses this knowledge of life to promote living a healthy, joyful and balanced life. This balance can be maintained between the physical body (healthy and agile), mind (open and peaceful), heart (joyful) and soul (free).  

Image by Chinh Le Duc
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